
One of the problems in Plaosan Village is the lack of creativity of Plaosan residents in utilizing tempe production in Plaosan Village. This is caused by limited knowledge and lack of awareness of the potential that exists in the village. Therefore, the researchers took the initiative to provide assistance in improving the skills of mothers in entrepreneurship. The purpose of community service is to provide training to the community in utilizing tempeh into processed tempe katsu which is useful for increasing people’s income. The method used is. The object of engagement are the women of the Plaosan Village community. The results of the training of tempe into tempe katsu are that the community can understand and understand the steps in making processed tempe products, namely tempe katsu, people can process their own products from tempe, namely tempe katsu which has been practiced before. The community has its own innovation to make tempe processed products as small and medium businesses and can support the economy, especially to increase income for the women of Plaosan Village.

Keywords: Community, Skills, Tempe, Plaosan Village.

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**Makalah diterbitkan di jurnal Bimbingan Swadaya Masyarakat, ISSN: 2774-6364 (Online), Vol. 1, No. 2, Hal. 70-77, Tahun 2021.

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